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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gurupeyarchi2008 - Rishabha

Rishbha rashi Krittika [sidereal Moon sign of Taurus]
(2, 3, 4), Rohini, Mrigasira (1, 2)

Jupiter is transiting the auspicious 9th house for your moon sign. This ensures that you will have a smooth sailing for major part of the next year. Prosperity, wealth, and status will seek you out. Long-awaited recognition, promotion, or favourable posting will come your way. Your efficiency and intelligence will get noticed by everyone around you. This transit is auspicious for those trying for overseas ventures – be it a foreign course, or on-site posting. Many of you will have the good fortune to visit places of religious significance in the company of loved ones.

There could be change of job or residence which can have positive impact on your life. Property disputes can be settled amicably by negotiation and compromise. One point to be noted is that though there will be no dearth of income, you won’t be able to save much unless you are very committed to that end. On the positive side, many of you will acquire new assets – both movable and immovable – this year.

Students of this sign have a good chance of getting excellent grades, and doing well in competitive examinations. Those in the final year of study can get good career openings, and prestigious campus placements. Procedures related to foreign education will proceed smoothly without major road-blocks.

Wedding bells ring for eligible single-natives. Estranged couples may have a chance to mend the relationship and try for reunion. Those who are looking forward to progenic bliss have a good possibility of a healthy conception.

As Jupiter attains Lohamurthy status during this transit, there could be some obstacles and delays before you reap the positive results described above. But, nothing takes away the general positivity of this transit for your moon sign.

Remedies: If you encounter obstacles to your progress, fasting on Thursdays and offering special prayers to Lord Hanumaan will help you to overcome those. Offer Tulsi garland to Lord Hanumaan on at least one Thursday every month.

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To donate for Jupiter transit homam click the button below

We intend to perform special homams on the occasion of Jupiter transit. The homam will be conducted on December 10, 2008 at our residence in Villivakkam. The following homams have been planned: 1) Mahaa Ganapathy homam. 2) Medha Dakshinamoorthi homam (as He is one of the Patron Deities representing Jupiter's auspicious qualities). 3) Lakshmi Hayagreeva Moola mantra homam. 4) Laghu Navagraha homam. 5) Guru Beeja mantra homam. Apart from that, paaraayanam of Brihaspati kavacham will be done on that day. If you wish to sponsor this activity, you may offer any amount as per your convenience for the Gurupeyarchi homams to be conducted on the occasion of Jupiter transit.